CRPS, chronic regional pain syndrome, once known as reflex sympathetic dystrophy, has been thought to be incurable by conventional medicine. It is a severe persistent pain condition perpetuated by the nervous system, often beginning with an injury that may be a significant one, such as a fractured wrist, or by even a minor event, and occasionally none at all. Contrary to widespread opinion it does not have to be permanent. It can respond to a mind-body approach such as a education about how pain is processed in the brain combined with either clincal hypnosis or Pain Reprocessing Therapy. Read some reports from people who successfully let go of CRPS.
At our office Clinical Hypnosis and Pain Reprocessing Therapy are two methods, combined with education about the brain-pain connection, of assisting the nervous system to reduce and even eliminate CRPS symptoms over time through instilling a sense of safety and dealing with underlying stress and prior emotional trauma. |
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